07504 148 696
Osteopaths are currently permitted to hold face-to-face consultations for people who:
· cannot be helped remotely
· do not have any symptoms of COVID-19
· are not self isolating due to exposure to someone who has tested positive
An osteopathic consultation involves the osteopath and patient coming closer than two metres. Please inform me if you have been advised to ‘shield’. Please see the information below which explains the infection control policy, including PPE and other changes to the way I work to ensure that you do not have contact with anyone except myself.
If you are attending an appointment
· You must read the up-to-date hygiene policy (below).
· Please arrive on time and only ring the bell to come into the building at the time of your appointment, to enable distancing from other patients.
· Consultations will end promptly to help you leave the clinic before the next patient arrives and to enable the clinic to be sanitised.
Hygiene Policy
The practice hygiene policy is regularly reviewed based on the most recent Public Health England advice, so this may change.
The Healthcare Regulators’ recommendations aim to help limit person-to-person transmission in healthcare settings. With the precautions that have been put in place I believe there is low risk of transmission within the clinic. You may continue to attend your appointment unless any of the following applies to you.
When not to attend:
If you develop a fever, a new cough, shortness of breath or loss/change to taste or smell prior to your appointment, you must not attend.
You must also not attend if you have been advised to quarantine for any other reason.
If you already have an appointment, please contact me as soon as possible if you need to cancel it.
Current advice is to stay at home for 10 days if you have a high fever, a new continuous cough, shortness of breath or loss/change to taste or smell.
If someone you live with has symptoms you need to stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person in the home started showing symptoms. If you develop symptoms, please don’t go to your GP, pharmacy or hospital.
A useful link for deciding what to do or if you are worried is: https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
There will be no late cancellation fee for anyone not attending for COVID-19 related reasons, but I ask that you let me know and appreciate as much notice as possible. If you do not attend an appointment without giving notice, I reserve the right to charge the full fee.
What I am doing
I will continue to wash hands before and after seeing each patient. Following Public Health England guidance for all healthcare practitioners, I use an appropriate level of PPE: I will wear a mask when I come closer to you than the social distancing guidelines recommendation. Between treating each patient, I change any clothes that may have had direct contact with the patient.
Patients are no longer required to wear a mask. If required I can provide you with a disposable mask for £1.
I regularly disinfect surfaces and ‘often touched areas’ such as door handles, taps etc. Treatment tables are disinfected between each patient as well as the towelling covers. Seat cushions and most toys have been removed from the treatment room.
If I have any of the above symptoms, any feelings of un-wellness that could indicate COVID-19 or have been instructed to self isolate, I won’t be working. If this affects your appointment, I will let you know as soon as possible.
What you can do
Please don’t ring the bell until your exact appointment time or bring anyone else with you who doesn’t need to be there. On your arrival I will offer you hand sanitiser.
If you are bringing a baby, please bring a clean muslin cloth for them to lie on whilst they are being examined.
Thank you for helping to limit the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the wellbeing of all those who visit and work in our clinic.
If you have any questions or concerns please email me on info@caradawosteopathy.co.uk